All Tenses Worksheets Pdf

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These free French worksheets will test what you've been taught to make sure you're actually learning and progressing through the French language. Chief keef songs.

Print them off to evaluate how well you know your numbers, colors, and common phrases and words in French.

Pokemon xy rom hack. When you're done with these worksheets, consider trying French audio resources and language learning software.

Do Your Know Your French Numbers?

Learning your numbers is the basics in any language. Print off these free French worksheets to test how well you can translate numbers and English words to and from French.

Download PDF - Draw a line from each French number to the picture it describes. You're tested on numbers 0-6. An answer key is included.

Download PDF - Match the 10 numbers together using the English and French words. Two additional parts of this worksheet have you translate larger numbers into French. The answers can be found in this PDF.

Download PDF - This worksheet has you circle the correct French word that represents the number of objects in each square. Other exercises are in this one worksheet as well, like matching English and French numbers and writing the French number that comes next in the sequence. All the answers are included.

Test How Well You Know French Colors With These Free Worksheets

These worksheets have you either write the color you see in French or color the image with what you translate from French. Either way, you're tested on your translation of French colors.

Download PDF - Translate 10 phrases that have to do with colored items you find on a beach. You must translate back and forth from English and French.

Download PDF - This is a fun exercise to test whether or not you know the basic colors in French. You must color the house in the way the instructions tell you to, and then check your colors with the answer key to verify that you're right.

Download PDF - Very similar to the previous worksheet, color the sky with the proper colors that are shown in French. A colored image is available as the key.

Download PDF - Write the French word for the color of each of these five animals. The correct answers are included.

More Free French Worksheets

All of these French worksheets are also free, and test you on other things like animals, nouns, phrases, and other French words.

Download PDF - Four easy and four medium crossword puzzles can be printed from this one PDF file to test how well you know French words that have to do with transportation. Answers are not included. Similar ones can be downloaded for School and Education, Shopping, and Adjectives.

Download PDF - This 17-page file has a handful of sets of questions that test what you know about French grammar, like present tenses and imperfect tenses. All of the answers are included in the last page.

Download PDF - Here are 10 words and phrases in French that you must translate into English. Some examples: I need, Have you, I'll take, and Please. Answers are at the bottom of the second page.

Download PDF - These 10 animals are easy to identify, but do you know what word to use to describe them in French?

Download PDF - Match up the French words with these 10 animals.

Download PDF - You're given six pictures, and you must match them with the French sentences that describe them.

Download PDF - Can you accurately translate this French nursery rhyme into English? The correct translation is on the second page of this PDF.

Download PDF - Read the French passage and see if you can answer the three true/false questions.

Download PDF - With this printable worksheet, you must rewrite 20 French nouns with the correct definite article in front of them. All the answers are included in the second page.

Visit Download Page - This entire worksheet is in French. After reading the prepositions pertaining to where the monkey is in relation to the boxes, you must answer a handful of questions about them. You need to create a free user account with this website before you can download the PDF.