Download Keyboard Shortcuts Pdf

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A list with almost all CATIA V6 Shortcuts. These shortcuts works also in CATIA V5 but not all. At the end of this article you’ll find the PDF to download with all commands from this article.

  1. These shortcuts are specific to Bend Part Design.

Specific Keyboard Shortcuts

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Switch between the Fold and Unfold views.Alt+F or Alt+U
View the parametersAlt+S
Create Dxf fileAlt+D
Check overlappingAlt+O
Minimize or maximize the RobotCtrl+M

Standard Keyboard Shortcuts

These shortcuts are standard shortcuts.

To… Press…
Undo the last actionCtrl+Z
Redo the last undo actionCtrl+Y
Exit commandsEsc
Delete selected items from your documentDelete
Display the specification treeF3
  1. Specific Search Shortcuts for Work Instructions Planning

In the V6 database, you can search the work instruction references.

Boyka undisputed cast. •: The way Koshmar fights as he becomes a monstrous beast when he fights and prefers pure brute strength and rage over skill.

To search for… Use…
Alert work instruction referenceswia
Data collect work instruction referenceswid
Instruction work instruction referenceswit
Sign off work instruction referenceswis

General Search Shortcuts

Work instruction planning references are part of, or associated with, other objects in a PPR context. This table provides the searchable objects and search shortcuts related to Work Instructions Planning.

To search for… Use…
PPR Contextsppr
Production operationsmope
Production systemsmsys
  1. These shortcuts are specific to Bend Part Design.

Specific Keyboard Shortcuts

To …Press …
Activate the Building Slicer.Ctrl+F8
Activate the Building Estimator and see the elevation, area and volume of each story.Shift+F8
Change the stairs position of 90°.Space Bar
Lock/specify dimensions while drawing.Space Bar
Lock the smart grid to the current plane when pointing to a planar face before starting to draw (Draw on the grid).Ctrl
Manage smart grid orientation before using Draw when pointing to an edge.Shift
Align smart grid gridlines to the nearest edge before using Draw when underlying geometry is a planar face.Shift
Turn off Snap-to-grid behavior while drawing (Draw).Shift
Hide/show the Navigator tool.F8
Edit the clipboard.F2
Duplicate shapes and objects before making your selection via the Robot.Ctrl
Switch between open profile tools (Line, Arc, etc.) while drawing.Tab
Move the viewpoint forward during a walkthrough experience.Up arrow
Move the viewpoint backward during a walkthrough experience.Down arrow
Turn the viewpoint to the left during a walkthrough experience.Left arrow
Turn the viewpoint to the right during a walkthrough experience.Right arrow
Move the viewpoint forward at running speed during a walkthrough experience.Ctrl+Up arrow
Move the viewpoint backward at running speed during a walkthrough experience.Ctrl+Down arrow

Standard Keyboard Shortcuts

To …Press …
Copy selected items to the Live Buildings clipboardCtrl+C
Paste the last item added to the Live Buildings clipboard into the current documentCtrl+V
Remove selected items from your document and place them in the clipboardCtrl+X
Undo the last actionCtrl+Z
Redo the last undo actionCtrl+Y
Exit commandsEsc
Delete selected items from your documentDel
Display the treeF3

Keyboard Shortcuts for Walkthrough Experience

Move forwardeither Up, Z (on a AZERTY keyboard), or W (on a QWERTY keyboard)
Move backwardeither Down or S
Turn lefteither Left, Q (on a AZERTY keyboard), or A (on a QWERTY keyboard)
Turn righteither Right or D
Run forwardCtrl+Up
Run backwardCtrl+Down
  1. Keyboard shortcuts save you time when using Live Compose.

Specific Keyboard Shortcuts

To …Press…
Duplicate shapes and objects before making your selection via the RobotCtrl
Turn off the automatic recognition of geometrical relationships when moving 3D parts with the Robot.Shift
Edit the clipboardF2
Add to my selectionAlt+B

Standard Keyboard Shortcuts

To …Press…
Copy selected items to the clipboard.

The clipboard holds a maximum of 12 items.

Paste the last item added to the clipboard into the current documentCtrl+V
Remove selected items from your document and place them in the clipboardCtrl+X
Undo the last actionCtrl+Z
Redo the last undo actionCtrl+Y
Exit commandsEsc
Delete selected items from your documentDelete
Display the TreeF3
  1. Keyboard shortcuts save you time when using Live Shape.

Specific Keyboard Shortcuts

To …Press…
Switch between the three Robot planes to define the support plane before starting to draw (Draw on Grid ).Left or Right Arrow
Lock the smart grid to the current plane when pointing to a planar face before starting to draw (Draw on Grid ).Spacebar
Manage smart grid orientation before using Draw when pointing to an edge.Shift
Turn off Snap-to-grid behavior while drawing (Draw).Ctrl
Turn off automatic detection of geometric relationships while drawing (Draw ).Shift
Switch between open profile tools (Line, Arc, etc.) while drawingTab
Reverse arc orientation while creating it (Draw > Arc)Shift
Specify values (rectangle dimensions, circle and sphere radius, and line and cylinder length) when drawing or creating shapes.Spacebar
Duplicate shapes and objects before making your selection via the RobotCtrl
Turn off the automatic recognition of geometrical relationships when moving 3D parts with the Robot.Shift
Edit the clipboardF2
Add to my selectionAlt+B

Standard Keyboard Shortcuts

To …Press…
Copy selected items to the clipboard.

The clipboard holds a maximum of 12 items.

Paste the last item added to the clipboard into the current documentCtrl+V
Remove selected items from your document and place them in the clipboardCtrl+X
Undo the last actionCtrl+Z
Redo the last undo actionCtrl+Y
Exit commandsEsc
Delete selected items from your documentDelete
Display the TreeF3
  1. Keyboard shortcuts save you time when using Natural Sketch.

To… Press…
Launch the View Render Style dialog box and choose between the Perspective and Parallel view type.F2
Launch the view selection and choose between front, top, bottom, left or right view.F4
Translate the plane in increments of 10 mm, or rotate the plane in increments of 15 deg, when manipulating the drawing plane (in the Select Plane or Symmetry command).Shift
Force the translation in a single direction, when manipulating the drawing plane (in the Select Plane or Symmetry command).Alt *
Activate Trace Over in order to refine the closest curve, when using the Pen or the Primitives command.(and hold down) Alt.
Add newly selected elements to those already selected, when using the Transform command.Ctrl
Translate the 3D manipulator in increments of 10 mm, or rotate the 3D manipulator in increments of 15 deg, when using the Transform command.Shift
Activate Symmetry, when using the Transform command.Alt *
Force the translation in a single direction, when using the Transform command.Alt *
To snap the 3D manipulator onto the nearest canonical plane.Double-click the manipulator plane.
* Can be used in combination with Shift.
  1. You can use a list of keyboard shortcuts to run commands more quickly.

Important: Clicking an icon lets you run the command associated with that icon only once. However, double-clicking an icon lets you use the associated command as many times as you want without having to click the icon several times.

Use this key (or combination)… To…
EscapeExit the current dialog box (when there is one)
F1Get contextual online help
Shift + F1Get help on toolbar icons
Shift + F2Toggle the Tree overview on and off
F3Toggle Tree display on and off
Alt + F8Run macros
Shift + F3Activate the graph if the model is active and inversely
HomeDisplay the top of the graph
EndDisplay the bottom of the graph
Page UpRelocate the graph one page up
Page DownRelocate the graph one page down
Ctrl + Page UpZoom in the graph
Ctrl + Page DownZoom out the graph
Up arrowRelocate the graph 1/10th (one tenth) of a page to the top
Down arrowRelocate the graph 1/10th (one tenth) of a page to the bottom
Left arrowRelocate the graph 1/10th (one tenth) of a page to the left
Right arrowRelocate the graph 1/10th (one tenth) of a page to the right
Ctrl + TabSwap active document windows
Ctrl + ASelect all lines in a list (when multiselection is supported)
Alt + EnterRun the Properties… command
Ctrl + CRun the Copy command
Ctrl + FRun the Find… command
Ctrl + GRun the Selection Sets… command
Ctrl + NRun the New… command
Ctrl + PRun the Print… command
Ctrl + SRun the Propagate… command with the user interface
Ctrl + Shift + SRun the Propagate… command without the user interface
Ctrl + VRun the Paste command
Ctrl + XRun the Cut command
Ctrl + YRun the Redo command
Ctrl + ZRun the Undo command
  1. The following is a table of keyboard shortcuts you can use to run commands more quickly.

Use this key… To…
EscapeExit the current dialog box (when there is one)
F1Get contextual online help
Ctrl + Page UpZoom in the visual representations
Ctrl + Page DownZoom out the visual representations
Ctrl + Up ArrowTranslate the visual representations to the top
Ctrl + Down ArrowTranslate the visual representations to the bottom
Ctrl + Left ArrowTranslate the visual representations to the left
Ctrl + Right ArrowTranslate the visual representations to the right
Ctrl + TabTranslate the visual representations one tenth of a page to the top
  1. Keyboard shortcuts save you time when using CATIA Live Rendering.

To… Press…
Start rendering your object.Ctrl + Alt + R
Start rendering in batch mode.Ctrl + Alt + B
Display the queue monitor for the rendering in batch mode.Ctrl + Alt + Q
Open the material window.Ctrl + Alt + M
Open the ambience window.Ctrl + Alt + A
Create a camera.Ctrl + Shift + C
Activate the camera viewpoints.Ctrl + Alt + C
Modify the view angle.Ctrl + Alt + V
Access the rendering options.Ctrl + Alt + O
Suspend the rendering and displays a button in the middle of the screen.Ctrl + Alt + P
Save the rendered image on disk.Ctrl + Alt + D
Propage the rendered image.Ctrl + Alt + S
Activate/Deactivate the gravitational effect.Ctrl + Alt + G
Display the HUD information while rendering.Ctrl + Alt + I
Display or hide the help panel.Ctrl + Alt + H
  1. The following is a table of keyboard shortcuts you can use to run commands more quickly.

Use this key… To…
EscapeExit the current dialog box (when there is one)
F1Get contextual online help
F3Toggle tree display on and off
F5Toggle object labels display on and off
Ctrl + Page UpZoom in the visual representations
Ctrl + Page DownZoom out the visual representations
Ctrl + Up ArrowTranslate the visual representations to the top
Ctrl + Down ArrowTranslate the visual representations to the bottom
Ctrl + Left ArrowTranslate the visual representations to the left
Ctrl + Right ArrowTranslate the visual representations to the right
Ctrl + TabChange between application windows opened in the session
Alt + EnterRun the Properties… command
Alt + F8Adjust column size to full width
Ctrl + CRun the Copy command (available only for textual information in dialog boxes)
Ctrl + VRun the Paste command (available only for textual information in dialog boxes)
Ctrl + XRun the Cut command (available only for textual information in dialog boxes)
  1. Here are some tips for a better use of the keyboard.

ShiftActivate, Remove (Pick or Brush), Split a Mesh or a CloudDeselects selected elements
ShiftAlign using the robotMoves the Robot without moving the cloud
Shift3D CurveActivates/de-activates the Snap on elements option
CtrlScan on CloudPreviews the scan being created
CtrlCurve from ScansMoves the split points
Ctrl3D CurveProjects a point on its constraining element

Download the free PDF list of CATIA V6 Keyboard Shortcuts

Please provide your name and email address for your free download.

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Microsoft Excel is the most widely used spreadsheet application in the world. Whether you use Excel for personal purpose or in office, here is the complete list of shortcuts that will help to improve the productivity.

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Microsoft Excel Keyboard Shortcuts

The keyboard shortcuts are tested and works in most versions of the Microsoft Excel in Windows based computers. The shortcuts are categorized as below and use the search box to filter the results in the below table.

  • Menu – related to menu items and ribbon icons
  • Dialog box – opens up the dialog box
  • Function – insert a function
  • Data processing – used for spreadsheet data processing in workbooks like copy and paste
  • Formatting – text formatting like bold, double underline, strikethrough, etc.
  • Navigation – move within and outside the workbook
  • Workbook – applicable at window level like resizing, minimizing, etc.
  • General – general purpose shortcuts
AltActivate access keys (then press further keys to go to the required menu item)Menu
Alt + =Apply automatic summation when used down the cells with numbers. Apply sum function when used on empty cell.Function
Alt + AGo to Data menuMenu
Alt + A, MOpen Remove Duplicate dialog boxDialog box
Alt + EnterCreate a new line within a cellData processing
Alt + FOpen File menuMenu
Alt + F1Insert chart on the active sheetData processing
Alt + F2Save as workbookMenu
Alt + F4Close workbookMenu
Alt + F8Open Macro popup boxDialog box
Alt + F10Show or hide selection paneGeneral
Alt + F11Open Microsoft Visual Basic editor for ExcelData processing
Alt + HHighlight menu and go to Home menuMenu
Alt + H, 0Increase one decimal place of the numberMenu
Alt + H, 3, DDouble underline the selected contentMenu
Alt + H, 5Reduce indentMenu
Alt + H, 6Increase indentMenu
Alt + H, 9Reduce one decimal place of the numberMenu
Alt + H, A, BAlign content in bottom of the cellMenu
Alt + H, A, CAlign centerMenu
Alt + H, A, LLeft alignmentMenu
Alt + H, A, MAlign content in middle of the cellMenu
Alt + H, A, NApply accounting format from the listMenu
Alt + H, A, RRight alignmentMenu
Alt + H, A, TAlign content in top of the cellMenu
Alt + H, BOpen border dropdownMenu
Alt + H, CAlign centerFormatting
Alt + H, C, POpen Copy Picture dialog boxDialog box
Alt + H, D, CDelete the column of the active cellData processing
Alt + H, E, AClear the selected cell dataData processing
Alt + H, E, RRemove hyperlinks from the selected cellsData processing
Alt + H, F, I, JJustify the selected cell contentFormatting
Alt + H, F, I, LCopy the content on the right cell to the current active cellData processing
Alt + H, F, I, RCopy the content on the left cell to the current active cellData processing
Alt + H, F, I, UCopy the content on the below cell to the current active cellData processing
Alt + H, F, OOpen clipboard paneData processing
Alt + H, HChoose the color to fillMenu
Alt + H, O, IAutofit the width of the selected columnGeneral
Alt + H, U, AAverage number functionFunction
Alt + H, U, CCount numbersFunction
Alt + H, U, IMinimum number functionFunction
Alt + H, U, MMaximum number functionFunction
Alt + H, V, EPaste content with source values and formatting (you should have copied the content before)Data processing
Alt + H, V, IPaste the copied content as a linked picture or imageData processing
Alt + H, V, UPaste the copied content as a picture or imageData processing
Alt + MGo to Formulas menuMenu
Alt + NHighlight menu and go to insert menuMenu
Alt + N, BGo to insert bar chart menuMenu
Alt + N, CGo to insert column chart menuMenu
Alt + N, NGo to insert line chart menuMenu
Alt + N, QGo to insert pie chart menuMenu
Alt + N, ROpen Insert Chart dialog and go to Recommended Chart sectionDialog box
Alt + N, S, DGo to insert custom combo chart menuMenu
Alt + PPage Layout menuMenu
Alt + Page DownMove one screen rightWorkbook
Alt + Page UpMove one screen leftWorkbook
Alt + ROpen Review tabMenu
Alt + R, AShow all commentsMenu
Alt + R, DDelete comment from the cellMenu
Alt + Shift + F1Create new spreadsheetData processing
Alt + Shift + F2Save as workbookWorkbook
Alt + Shift + F4Close workbookWorkbook
Alt + SpacebarOpen control menuMenu
Alt + T, OOpen Excel Options dialogDialog box
Alt + WGo to View menuMenu
Alt + W, F, FFree panes, you should have selected columns or rows beforeMenu
Alt + W, IView the sheet in a page break preview modeMenu
Alt + W, LView the sheet in a normal modeMenu
Alt + W, QOpen zoom dialog boxDialog box
Alt + W, V, GToggle gridlines on or offMenu
Context KeyOpen context menuMenu
Ctrl + 0Hide columnsData processing
Ctrl + 1Open format cells popup boxDialog box
Ctrl + 2Apply boldFormatting
Ctrl + 3Apply italicFormatting
Ctrl + 4Apply underlineFormatting
Ctrl + 5Apply strikethroughFormatting
Ctrl + 6Toggle object displayMenu
Ctrl + 7Show / hide toolbarMenu
Ctrl + 8Show / hide outline symbolsGeneral
Ctrl + 9Hide rowsData processing
Ctrl + -Delete cells or rowsData processing
Ctrl + :Insert current timeData processing
Ctrl + ;Insert system dateData processing
Ctrl + ‘Copy the formula from upper cell to lower cellData processing
Ctrl + “Copy the content from the upper cell to lower cellData processing
Ctrl + ASelect all cells in a sheetWorkbook
Ctrl + Alt + VOpen paste special dialog box when you have copied the content in clipboardDialog box
Ctrl + BBold selected contentFormatting
Ctrl + CCopy selected contentData processing
Ctrl + DCopy the content from the upper cell to lower cellData processing
Ctrl + Down ArrowMove to lower end of the selected rangeNavigation
Ctrl + EUse flash fillData processing
Ctrl + EndGo to the lowest used cell in right corner of a workbookGeneral
Ctrl + EnterFill the range with current entryData processing
Ctrl + FFind content on the sheetData processing
Ctrl + F1Show or hide ribbonMenu
Ctrl + F2Open print preview optionsMenu
Ctrl + F3Open name managerDialog box
Ctrl + F4Close sheetMenu
Ctrl + F5Restore window sizeWorkbook
Ctrl + F6Go to next workbookWorkbook
Ctrl + F7Move the windowWorkbook
Ctrl + F8Resize windowWorkbook
Ctrl + F9Minimize windowWorkbook
Ctrl + F10Maximize windowWorkbook
Ctrl + F11Insert a new macro sheetWorkbook
Ctrl + F12Open fileMenu
Ctrl + GGo to the named cellDialog box
Ctrl + HFind text and replace with another textDialog box
Ctrl + HomeGo to start of the sheetWorkbook
Ctrl + IMake the selected text italicFormatting
Ctrl + KInsert hyperlink on the selected cellData processing
Ctrl + LOpen create table boxDialog box
Ctrl + Left ArrowMove to left end of the selected rangeNavigation
Ctrl + Left ClickSelect only the particular clicked cells in addition to the currently selected cellData processing
Ctrl + NOpen new Excel workbookWorkbook
Ctrl + OGo to open menuMenu
Ctrl + PPrint optionsMenu
Ctrl + Page DownGo to next sheet in a workbookWorkbook
Ctrl + Page UpGo to previous sheet in a workbookWorkbook
Ctrl + QOpen Quick Analysis toolDialog box
Ctrl + RCopy the content from left cell to the right side cellData processing
Ctrl + Right ArrowMove to right end of the selected rangeNavigation
Ctrl + SSave the workbookMenu
Ctrl + Shift + !Format cell in number formatFormatting
Ctrl + Shift + “Copy the content from the upper cell to lower cellData processing
Ctrl + Shift + #Format cell in date formatFormatting
Ctrl + Shift + $Format cell in $ currency formatFormatting
Ctrl + Shift + %Format cell in % formatFormatting
Ctrl + Shift + &Apply border around the cellFormatting
Ctrl + Shift + (Unhide rowsData processing
Ctrl + Shift + )Unhide columnsData processing
Ctrl + Shift + *Select the region nearer to active cellData processing
Ctrl + Shift + +Insert cells or rowsData processing
Ctrl + Shift + :Insert current timeData processing
Ctrl + Shift + @Format cell in time formatFormatting
Ctrl + Shift + ^Format cell in exponential formatFormatting
Ctrl + Shift + _Remove border around the cellFormatting
Ctrl + Shift + ArrowsSelect till the nonblank cell in the arrow directionNavigation
Ctrl + Shift + EndSelect the range from the current cell to the lowest used right corner cell of a workbookNavigation
Ctrl + Shift + FOpen format cell dialog box with font tab openFormatting
Ctrl + Shift + F1Maximize window by hiding menus and ribbonWorkbook
Ctrl + Shift + F3Open create name for selection popup boxDialog box
Ctrl + Shift + F6Go to previous workbook windowWorkbook
Ctrl + Shift + F6Go to previous workbookWorkbook
Ctrl + Shift + F12Open print optionsMenu
Ctrl + Shift + LToggle autofilterGeneral
Ctrl + Shift + OSelect all cells with commentsGeneral
Ctrl + Shift + Page DownSelect current and next sheets (you should have next available sheet for selection)Workbook
Ctrl + Shift + Page UpSelect current and previous sheets (you should have previous available sheet for selection)Workbook
Ctrl + Shift + SpacebarSelect the workbook contentData processing
Ctrl + Shift + TabGo to previous workbookWorkbook
Ctrl + Shift + UExpand / collapse formula barMenu
Ctrl + Shift + ~Format cell as generalFormatting
Ctrl + TOpen create table boxDialog box
Ctrl + TabGo to next workbookWorkbook
Ctrl + UUnderline the textFormatting
Ctrl + Up ArrowMove to upper end of the selected rangeNavigation
Ctrl + VPaste contentData processing
Ctrl + WClose active sheetGeneral
Ctrl + XCut the selected contentData processing
Ctrl + YRedo previous actionData processing
Ctrl + ZUndo previous actionData processing
Down ArrowMove one cell downNavigation
EscCancel the selected or current operationData processing
F1Open Excel helpGeneral
F2Edit active cellData processing
F3Show paste name popup when the names are defined in the workbookDialog box
F4Repeat the last action (like pasting)Data processing
F5Open Go To popup boxDialog box
F6Toggle between menu, ribbon and task pane.Menu
F7Do spell checkData processing
F9Calculate in all sheets in all opened workbooksWorkbook
F10Activate access keysMenu
F11Insert new chart sheetWorkbook
F12Save as the workbookWorkbook
HomeGo to first cell in a rowNavigation
Left ArrowMove one cell leftNavigation
Page DownMove one screen downNavigation
Page UpMove one screen upNavigation
Right ArrowMove one cell rightNavigation
Scroll Lock + HomeGo to upper left corner cell (first cell)Navigation
Shift + 10View context menu (generally opened with right click)Menu
Shift + F2Insert comment on the cellData processing
Shift + F3Insert functionData processing
Shift + F4Find next when finding the textDialog box
Shift + F5Find and replaceDialog box
Shift + F6Activate menuMenu
Shift + F7Open thesaurus to find synonymsGeneral
Shift + F8Add to selectionGeneral
Shift + F10 + MAdd or delete comment from the selected cellData processing
Shift + F11Create new sheetWorkbook
Shift + F12Save as the workbookMenu
Shift + Left ClickSelect all cells till the clicked range in addition to the currently selected cellData processing
Shift + SpacebarSelect the rowGeneral
Shift + TabMove to previous cell or ribbon item or cellNavigation
TabMove to next cell or ribbon item or cellNavigation
Up ArrowMove one cell upNavigation
Windows KeyOpen context menuMenu