Server 2003 Sp2 Iso
Have you looked at slipstreaming SP2 into your 2003 install?
Now that I've said that, I'm going to say the second thing: Please don't if there's any way you can avoid this. Unless you can air-gap all this server and all of the systems that interact with it, or VLAN them off your network and away from the Internet, you're playing Russian-roulette when it comes to IT security. 2003R2 has been out of support for some time now, 2003 original even longer. It's child's play to compromise by script kiddies at this point, let alone experienced blackhats. It goes beyond violating best practice and just throws it out the window.
I'm trying to install IIS on Windows Server 2003 and in the Windows Components Wizard, it prompts me to 'Insert Service Pack 2 CD-ROM'. I'm assuming this is the Windows Server 2003 installation CD, CD 2. However when I try to put it in, it doesn't seem to recognize it. In the D: drive, it is called CR0SCD2X_EN. Do you folks have any ideas on how to fix this? Thanks.
Edit: I entered in CD1 and seems like it gave it a kick start. However, now it is complaining about where a convlog.exe file is. Doesn't seem to be in CD1 or CD2. :(
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4 Answers
No, it's asking for the installation files for Service Pack 2, not CD 2. It's asking for what it needs - the versions of the files already on the system are at SP2, but the installation source files aren't there for whatever reason.
Once you do what you're talking about - essentially, forcing SP1 files (2003 R2 shipped with SP1 included) in place of SP2 - you'll end up with a mostly-working-but-partially-broken IIS installation, which won't install at least some security updates correctly.
I'd suggest you download and extract the SP2 installation files to somewhere accessible from this computer, then uninstall and reinstall IIS on the box with that location specified when it prompts for the SP2 'CD'.
If not, after you've forced it through like this, a) reinstall SP2, and b) run Windows Update again.
Edit: One such breakage is this one:
Kinda weird, but with the help of IIS forum, I was able to do this:Run this command from command prompt:
And installing IIS after that. It works!
If you have a slipstreamed CD, point the installer to it.
This problem might have an utterly stupid solution:
If the 'Files Needed' dialog is proposing the location 'C:WINDOWSINSTALLATIONI386i386'
, try deleting the last I386 (from the dialog's path):
With the current AWS EC2 Windows Server R2 image (ami-26e3e7cd) that's all is needed: it looks like some installer genius just typed the wrong location somewhere!
The prompt will come up for each missing file, so you'll have to do this several times.
Precisely these are the files for which I get a prompt when installing IIS (the Application Server role):
- convlog.exe
- iisback.vbs
protected by voretaq7Nov 8 '12 at 17:45
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